Background: Engage conference took place in the Mermaid Conference Centre, Yahoo wanted to come up with a fun and creative way of transferring the audiences from 3 local tube stations. All journeys were free, sponsored by Yahoo
Brief: Liveried rickshaws and yahoo branded riders transferred the audiences from 3 different tube stations, Temple, St. Paul’s and Mansion House. As a secondary issue Yahoo also wanted to raise their profile at and around the conference centre.
• The task successfully completed.
• Those who saw the Branded rickshaws were twice as likely to spontaneously mention Yahoo, proving the Rickshaw advertising brought Yahoo front of mind
• The creative was popular for all attributes measured, with two thirds of those who saw the branded rickshaws , rated it as good
• The majority of the respondents believed the rickshaw advertising was “impactful”, “memorable” and “different to most advertising”

It is breaking conventions and boundaries of the customary car to create a new type of vehicle that has zero emissions and is electric powered, focusing on respect for the environment.
The BB1 project is touring 5 cities in Europe – Berlin, London, Madrid, Milan and Paris
Peugeot require 25 Rickshaw Riders to transport the general public to the Peugeot BB1 exhibit, which is placed in Covent Garden Central Market.
The BB1 remains an idea at the moment but production is being carefully considered.
AIM: To drive visitors from around W1 and W2 areas to view the BB1 exhibit in Covent Garden Central Market.
Requirements: Rickshaw riders are to circa the Rickshaws in the West End areas of London and invite people to take a free trip to Covent Garden to see the BB1 exhibit.
• Hundreds of potential costumers transferred to the exhibition area.
• Of those who spontaneously stated they had seen the BB1 rickshaw advertising, a staggering 100% named Peugeot as an environmentally conscious car company (unprompted)
• Spontaneous awareness for Peugeot increased.
• Ad recall was very high at %67
• 34% of the ABC1’s surveyed are more likely to consider Peugeot as an option when they purchase a car after seeing the advertising

Brief: 8 Liveried rickshaws both in our London and Amsterdam branches used for outdoor advertising purposes and Espirit branded riders transferred the member of public from the streets of Central London and Amsterdam to Espirit Stores.
• The task successfully completed.
• The rickshaws were popular for all attributes measured, with 97% of those who saw the branded rickshaws , rated it as good
• The majority of the respondents believed the rickshaw advertising was “impactful”, “memorable” and “different to most advertising”

Brief: 4 Liveried rickshaws and bmi branded riders rode the branded rickshaws around the designated areas.The rickshaws also provided bmi sponsored free rides to member of public.
• The task successfully completed.
• Those who saw the branded rickshaws , rated it as good
• The majority of the respondents believed the rickshaw advertising was “impactful”, “memorable” and “different to most advertising”

Brief: 5 Liveried rickshaws and NFL branded riders transferred the audiences from different parts of West End to Trafalgar SQ. NFl also wanted to raise profile at and around Trafalgar Square.
• The task successfully completed.
• The rickshaws were popular, those who saw the branded rickshaws , rated it as good and fun
• The majority of the respondents believed the rickshaw advertising was “impactful”, “memorable” and “different to most advertising”

Brief: 10 Liveried rickshaws and J&J branded riders transferred the audiences from tube stations to the stadium. J&J also raised their profile at and around the stadium.
• The task successfully completed.
• The rickshaws were popular and the rickshaws rated as good and fun
• The majority of the respondents believed the rickshaw advertising was “impactful”, “memorable” and “different to most advertising”
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